Learn The Secrets To Getting Your Best Tummy Tuck Result in Toronto
It is natural to want to get the absolute best out of your results
Many patients exploring the idea are curious to know what steps they can take to increase their chances of getting the best results.
To sum up, here are a few secrets that can help you unlock the most optimal results of your procedure. The single most important factor that will affect the outcome of your surgery is choosing the right plastic surgeon. This means choosing a surgeon that is not only certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada, but also one that has sufficient experience and a proven track record of satisfied patients. Doing research online, looking at reviews and talking to others who have had similar procedures in the past, can help you narrow down your search for the best.
Many people are surprised to hear that one of the ways to ensure you get the best results of a Toronto tummy tuck, is to get to your goal weight prior to the procedure. By going in to the procedure already at a healthy and stable weight, the surgeon will be able to remove more excess skin, giving you better results. Another key factor that can greatly influence the results is diet. Maintaining a healthy diet not only leading up to the surgery, but also during recovery is extremely important to help get your body in top condition. Keeping well hydrated, eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains will all help make your recovery as quick and smooth as possible as well as ensure you get the most optimal results of your procedure.
Healthy lifestyle
Making other healthy lifestyle changes also goes a long way when it comes to optimizing the results. Exercising regularly is a good way to make sure you keep stubborn fat deposits away from your newly contoured midsection. Leading an active lifestyle and exercising at least three times a week should help you keep off unwanted pounds and preserve the results of the surgery. Following the procedure, it is extremely important to avoid smoking. Patients must stop smoking not only in the weeks leading up to their procedure, but also for the weeks following, this is because smoking greatly hampers the body’s natural healing processes thereby preventing patients from realizing the full results of their procedure.
Postoperative instructions
Following the set of postoperative instructions provided by your plastic surgeon is the best way to ensure a quick and smooth recovery. Paying particular attention to any restrictions that have been placed on activity and movement is a good way to avoid any strain on your incisions that will compromise results. Those who fail to follow postoperative instructions, run the risk of not only having a lengthier and uncomfortable recovery, but also compromising their final results.
Although getting the most out of your Toronto tummy tuck takes time and discipline, the results are well worth it. To find out more about how you can benefit from a tummy tuck, we invite you to contact one of our clinic locations in Toronto and Whitby to set up a private consultation.