Pregnancy, several cycles of weight loss and weight gain, or a genetic predisposition may have left you with a protruding tummy or “pouch” around your abdomen. Many women find that this figure flaw is impossible to correct with diet and exercise. It doesn’t matter how many crunches they do or how healthy their diet may be, they may be stuck with some extra skin and stubborn fat that leaves them with a disproportionate figure. Dr. Golger may recommend a tummy tuck in Toronto to take care of that loose skin and slim down their midsection. It’s a popular procedure for women who are beyond their childbearing years, and for women who want a trim and toned waistline.
Here are three ways a tummy tuck in Toronto can improve your appearance:
1. Gets rid of excess skin.
The skin around your midsection may have stretched after weight gain and loss after pregnancy and your lifestyle habits. The tummy tuck procedure will remove excess skin to create a very taut and toned look. Losing that excess skin can help to create a slimmer waistline and contoured look. You’ll find it much easier to wear form-fitting clothes without those extra inches of loose skin.
2. Tightens abdominal muscles.
The abdominal muscles can stretch and become weak after pregnancy or if you have carried a lot of excess weight for a long period of time. With this body contouring procedure, Dr. Golger can go in and tighten and repair torn abdominal muscles. This helps create a very flat stomach and restores the abdominal wall after pregnancy or weight loss.
3. Slims down the midsection.
Many women have some excess fatty tissue around their midsection and those fat deposits may not respond to diet and exercise. The tummy tuck procedure can take several inches off your frame by removing excess fatty deposits and creating a very streamlined silhouette. If you have always been self-conscious about the size of your waist or have struggled to get rid of those stubborn love handles, the tummy tuck procedure could be just what you need to get the results you want.
If you’re ready for a body makeover and want to achieve a flat and toned stomach, set up your tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Golger today!